
The Schloss der Gesundheit is home to three companies:

1) Fachpraxis für Naturheilkunde Meilenstein UG (haftungsbeschränkt) -> Specialist practice for naturopathy
2) Privatpraxis für Ergotherapie Julia Holzhäuser -> Private practice for occupational therapy Julia Holzhäuser
3) Schloss Goldacker – Julia Holzhäuser & Dirk Kolberg GbR

Information according to § 5 TMG

Specialist practice for naturopathy Meilenstein UG (limited liability)
Schloss Goldacker
Am Schloß 11
99991 Unstrut-Hainich OT Weberstedt

Authorised representative managing director Julia Holzhäuser

Telephone: +49-(0)36022-184112
Fax: +49-(0)36022-184111

Register entry: Registered in the commercial register. Register court: Jena. Register number: 510218
Supervisory authority: Mühlhausen health authority
Professional title of the medical management Dirk Kolberg: Heilpraktiker
Professional title awarded in the country: Germany, licence to practise medicine without appointment.

Regulations: Law on the professional practice of medicine without a licence (Heilpraktiker-Gesetz, BGBI.III 2122-2) First implementing ordinance to the Heilpraktiker-Gesetz (BGBI, III 2122-2-1)
Link: and

Professional association membership in: Verband Unabhängiger Heilpraktiker Deutschland e.V., membership number: 6279
Heilkundliche Tätigkeit is exempt from VAT according to § 4 Nr.14 UStG.
Professional liability insurance: Allianz Deutschland AG, Königinstraße 28, 80802 Munich, Germany

Private practice for occupational therapy Julia Holzhäuser
Am Schloß 11
99991 Unstrut-Hainich OT Weberstedt

Telephone: 036022-184112
Fax: 036022-184111

Responsible for content: Julia Holzhäuser
Professional management of the practice: Julia Holzhäuser
Training and issuing of the professional licence took place in Germany

Professional liability insurance
Tax number 12/123/12345
Mühlhausen tax office
Responsible supervisory authority: State Office for Health and Social Affairs LaGeSo Mühlhausen

Licence as occupational therapy practice according to §124 para. 1 SGB V
IK 123 456 789
Member of the German Association of Occupational Therapists e. V.

Schloss Goldacker – Julia Holzhäuser & Dirk Kolberg GbR
Am Schloß 11
99991 Unstrut-Hainich OT Weberstedt
Weberstedt, Germany
Partners: Julia Holzhäuser, Dirk Kolberg

Phone: +49 36022-184110
Fax: +49 36022-184111

Tax number: 4157016408407
Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a sales tax law: DE350186441

Platform of the EU Commission for online dispute resolution:
We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

Responsible person within the meaning of § 18 para. 2 MStV:
Dirk Kolberg, Am Schloß 11, 99991 Unstrut-Hainich OT Weberstedt

Legal information / Liability
This website was created with the greatest possible care. Notwithstanding this, no guarantee can be given for the accuracy and correctness of the content provided. Any liability for damages resulting from the use of the website is excluded. In the case of links to websites operated by third parties, Fachpraxis für Naturheilkunde Meilenstein UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Privatpraxis für Ergotherapie Julia Holzhäuser, Schloss Goldacker – Julia Holzhäuser & Dirk Kolberg GbR accepts no responsibility for their content.

Image rights:
Aerial view of Goldacker Castle: Ralf Weise,;
Goldacker Castle and Hainich: Dirk Kolberg;
Other images: fotolia/ adobe stock images

Notice in accordance with the Online Dispute Resolution Regulation
Under current law, we are obliged to inform consumers of the existence of the European Online Dispute Resolution platform, which can be used to settle disputes without having to go to court. The European Commission is responsible for setting up the platform. The European online dispute resolution platform can be found here: Our email is:

However, we would like to point out that we are not prepared to participate in the dispute resolution procedure within the framework of the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform. Please use our e-mail and telephone number above to contact us.

Notice in accordance with the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG)
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Disclaimer – legal information

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The free and freely accessible content of this website has been created with the greatest possible care. However, the provider of this website assumes no liability for the accuracy and timeliness of the free and freely accessible journalistic guides and news provided. Contributions labelled by name reflect the opinion of the respective author and not always the opinion of the provider. No contractual relationship is established between the user and the provider simply by accessing the free and freely accessible content; in this respect, the provider’s intention to be legally bound is lacking.

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